Helping Other People Everyday
HOPE (Formally The Bear Den)
A Non-Profit Community Resource Organization established in Tillamook County on the Oregon Coast in 2019, dedicated to helping people in need. Formerly a project under "Fulcrum Community Resources" now privately funded after relocation, currently seeking new sponsorship to re-establish 501c3 status. Personally experiencing hard times, we know what it's like to just need a little help to keep things going and moving forward. Also, firm believers that in the long run only you can truly help yourself, you have to be willing to do the work it takes to better your situation. We want to be a steppingstone and the voice that says, "you can do it!" Community means a lot to the organization we always promise to uphold the highest standards in compassion & dedication to achieving our goal of making a difference while still having boundaries. HOPE is here to help our clients set goals they can achieve. Life is not easy; everyone sometimes needs a hand.
Founder Leslie Day, known by many as Mamma Bear is a mother to four but mom to many. She's always been the mom with a very nurturing, but tough love heart wanting to take care of and keep others safe. In her life she has experienced and seen a lot, been the person who took money for granted with not a care in the world to the person living in a tent with nothing but the clothes on her back wondering where her children's next meal was coming from. She truly understands what it feels like to need help but not know where to turn and feeling ashamed to ask.
It's more than just help, it's a support system. There is no shame in asking for help!
"I want HOPE to be a place where people feel safe knowing asking for help does not make them any less of a person or a bad parent! In fact, the complete opposite having the strength to say, I need help, reaching out makes you very brave."