Daily Services

Services are based on availability we don't always have everything in stock.  Contact us for an intake. 

Becoming a client of HOPE is very simple, contact us by phone, email, or Facebook messenger. A one-hour apt. will be scheduled, though it doesn't always take the full hr. During your appointment a client folder will be created for you with an intake form. We will discuss your needs, and together go through our many resources to see what might best help you in your situation. If what you are in need of is not readily available in our storage, we will do our best to help you find it. Depending on what it is it could take a few days to find and gather everything. Delivery is not available so please be sure you have the means to pick up what you've asked for.

A client folder is created for two reasons.

1) if you ever need our assistance again then we have all your contact and family info on file you will not need another "intake apt". When you contact us, we pull your folder and take notes.

2) it helps us to be able to keep records of everything that goes out of the organization, as a Non-Profit we must keep records of everything that comes in and goes out.

Baby Clothes/Shoes

Sometimes getting baby clothes isn't as easy as it sounds. 

Baby Essentials

Clothes aren't the only things babies need Blankets, Diapers, Wipes, Bottles, Formula... etc.

Baby Furniture 

Things that make life so much easier

swing, walker, bassinet, high chair, stroller.. etc..

"Survival Gear"

Homeless? sometimes less is more! 

we can help make sure you have what you need to survive without being to much to carry! 

Kids clothes/Shoes

Have older kids? We understand they grow so fast and its hard to keep up.

Adult Clothing/Shoes

We have a large amount of adult clothing and shoes available to choose from. 

Hygiene Items

Baby, Kid, Teen, Adult

good hygiene is an important part of daily life

Bedding and Linens

Blankets, sheets, Towels etc..

Sometimes even staying warm can be difficult.

Household Furniture

Moving into a new home? need stuff to make it feel homey? we can help we have many gently used furniture available to choose from.

Emergency food supply

We do not have a food bank at this time but can help in getting a few things to make ends meet till you can get to one! 

Special Occasion Services

Special occasion services are based on availability and by sign up. Contact us one month in advance from the event to ask for a sign up form.


 we gather lots of goodies and fill baskets to the brim for local children ages 1-13.

At the pickup event there are activities, food and even the Easter Bunny himself for pictures.


We sponsor a limited number of families, providing groceries for a full thanksgiving meal.

Also cook a large meal that gets packaged individually then handed out to local homeless and anyone else who needs a dinner.


Our personal favorite holiday!!

The weekend before Halloween we have a costume give away event,

"Costume Crypt" with many great new & used costumes & accessories for kids to choose from.  Halloween night we have a scary haunt for all ages with a great candy treat at exit.


 We have a Christmas Eve. tradition every signed up child will receive a new pair of PJs, socks, a new movie, hot coco and other treats to make Christmas eve a cozy and fun night. 

We choose one family to sponsor and provide wonderful gifts for under the tree.

We work with many other organizations to help provide much needed assistance to those in need. If we don't have what you need we try to provide you with information and referrals to others that may be able to help.

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